“Diagnosis: Dengue Fever & Pneumonia.” Critical times on the home front as my asawa is checked into our provincial hospital in Guimaras.
My beloved spouse had not been feeling well for the past few days. She had a terrible cough and complained of a fever. When my wife does not do anything and simply lies around all day, I know it’s time to take action despite her protests that she does not need to see a doctor.
So when my asawa informed me this past Wednesday evening that she wanted to actually visit the doctor in Iloilo the next morning, I knew the situation had become critical.
“No, we’re going to the hospital now!” I exclaimed. “We’re not going to wait until morning!”
My wife quickly packed a bag. I fired up our Ford Ranger XLT and navigated our potholed-ridden dirt path, finally making my way to the main road which would take us to the hospital.
I drove with my bright headlights on as there is not much traffic in Guimaras, our island provincial home, at 8:30 in the evening, dimming them as I approached anyone.
But every motorcycle I approached turned their headlights completely off.
Of course, not every trike driver and cyclist in Guimaras uses their headlights in the first place, even during the darkest of night. They would rather risk getting their vehicles hit then replace a headlight lamp that burns out.
Only in the Philippines.
As we approached the crossing which was only minutes away from the healthcare facility, I turned my brights off. My wife and I determined that the riders who turned off their lights after I dimmed my bright lights might have assumed I was attempting to tell them to dim their lights.

I quickly parked our truck and we entered the emergency room entrance. I was hopeful there would not be that many patients during the midweek but I was wrong. The facility was teeming with a horde of coughing, wheezing, moaning people.
A few pregnant ladies paced the emergency room floor as I stepped up to the front desk and asked for assistance. Within five minutes a nurse came over and I explained that my wife has been complaining of a high fever and body aches.
My asawa’s blood pressure was normal but she did have a high fever, 38.7 C, 101.66 F. Blood tests and x-rays were immediately ordered.
Two nurses came over and applied the blood pressure apparatus to her arm in a tourniquet fashion. After five minutes, the pressure was released. This test was done in order to ascertain whether my wife showed any rashes indicating dengue fever and Pneumonia. No rash showed up. I was hopeful that the blood tests would now come back negative.
After paying the cashier for the tests I stood by my spouse who was seated in the emergency room. About 30 minutes later the doctor came over with the test results. The diagnosis? Dengue Fever and Pneumonia.
My spouse’s white blood platelet count was low, 106, with 150 being the norm. We immediately went to the admissions desk. There were no private rooms available. It did not matter. My asawa needed medical attention and needed it now.
We returned to the emergency room where my wife was placed in a bed and soon had an IV pumping precious fluids into her veins as we waited for a room.
I was worried beyond measure and cursed myself for not listening to my own instincts and getting my asawa to a doctor sooner.
The physician informed me that my wife was at risk of internal bleeding due to the dengue. We waited for a room and prayed.
(To be continued)
Praying for a quick recovery!
Please give Melinda our best! Dengue is no fun man……
I’m so shocked to hear that Melinda has Dengue/Pneumonia. She is always healthy. We will pray for her a lot. Try to stay positive. If there is anything you need please let us know.
Hope your wife will be alright, Dave.
I thought I read something in one of your responses from your previous article about her condition, but cant find it now, so either I was imagining it or maybe you erased it, so I wont say anything in case you did, to keep up the suspense til the next part of the article comes out.
Dave, my wife Emma had dengue fever 2 months ago she was tired and feeling unwell
Had tests at the local clinic, had to wait 3 days to find out if she had to go to hospital,
Lucky she had the mild form of dengue got better using meds, always best to get to
The clinic straight away, hoping she makes a good recovery, Derek in pasig.
It’s been a while since I read your posts. Imagine my surprise to read your iron butterfly downed with dengue and pneumonia. I’ll certainly keep her in my prayers for speedy recovery. Take care of yourself too, Dave. Blessings to you and Melinda.
Hi Dave hope your wife will be Outa there walking soon.
It’s been three years since I was in Iloilo to meet you guys. all the best from me , Dave from Australia I live in Angeles city now by the way.
Mr. Kano,
Long time reader, first time poster. Prayers sent for your wife and a speedy recovery. You take care of her. Cold compresses and all.
Mike and Ester.
Dave, sending best wishes for Melinda..Nick in Vancouver
Dave, I hope that Melinda gets well soon