Recent posts on younger Filipinas with older guys and how to meet your special someone on Cherry Blossoms has prompted me to write today’s article. Don’t know why I’ve never devoted a whole piece to this topic before, but a recent FHM Philippines video, posted at the end of this article, inspired me to Filipinas the Most Beautiful Women.
Part of my duties at the main headquarters of Philippines Plus involves researching any topic and news items that deal with the Philippines. Now with my Alexa toolbar revealing my website is visited more frequently by users that are in the age range of 56-64 with some college education, it would make sense for me to post topics that I think might interest them Filipinas the Most Beautiful Women.
Now if Alexa, an company, and the leader in free, global web metrics is giving me this info, I’m going to listen. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to ignore you ladies out there like, Maria, Roselyn, and Christine, to name a few. We have to have some voices of reason around here.
And I’m not going to ignore older geezers like Gary Wigle, who I’m pretty sure is past 64 and I still welcome the young bucks out there, like Lance the Canadian and Scott B. And how could I forget Fearless Frank from Florida. Lord knows I don’t want you leaving me another comment thinking that I’m slighting you. When in the heck are you coming back to Guimaras?
So I’m going out on a limb and figuring guys might be interested in the topic, “Are Filipinas the Most Beautiful Women in the World?” It’s also possible that those same guys wouldn’t mind a video that has some of the most gorgeous women in the Philippines (aside from our own asawas and girlfriends, of course) prancing around in skimpy outfits (check out the nurse and don’t be shy about hitting the “replay” button.)
I personally would not care to see Filipino men prancing around in skimpy outfits, but that’s just me. If you like to view such videos, I’m thinking you’re probably going to be disappointed with this particular video featuring some of the hottest babes in the Philippines.

So why are women in the Philippines so beautiful? With the assimilation of so many ethnic groups into it’s 98 million plus population, I’m sure that must have something to do with it.
Wikipedia states that most Filipinos are Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian. Other ethnic groups form a minority in the Philippine population. These include those of Japanese, Han Chines, Indians, Americans (especially around Angeles City), Spanish, Europeans, and other ethnic groups from other countries. Mixed-race individuals are known as Filipino mestizo.
My own beautiful Filipina wife is of Chinese heritage. She’ll tell you herself that she has “Chinese” eyes and a “Filipino” nose. She has such a strong Chinese appearance to some people here, that it caused a delay in obtaining her spousal visa to America.
The Filipina that interviewed her for her exit visa to the States, made her go back to her home in Guimaras to get a copy of her baptismal record from her church along with a copy of the parish log which recorded her baptismal mass. Why? The interviewer did not believe my wife was born in the Philippines despite her official records from NSO, the National Statistic Office of the Philippines, along with other documentation she had.
The Embassy employee believed my wife was Chinese and born in China. That delayed her obtaining her visa for two weeks, but some folks in America, along with some Filipinos here, still mistake her for Chinese. More so when her skin was almost lily-white after working indoors in Taiwan as an OFW, Overseas Filipino Worker, for two straight years without a day off.
So are Filipinas the most beautiful women in the world? Of course, they are! And their inner qualities matches their exterior beauty.
Guys, show the above highlighted section of this post to your Filipina spouse or girlfriend. But you probably would want to discourage them from looking at the FHM girls photos that I’ve posted. I also would encourage them to skip the following video. But if you’ve got a ex-wife that’s not Filipina, just send them this whole frickin’ post.
OLD??? I will be 67 later this year. Yes…Meriam is younger than I am…25 years younger. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!!!
BTW — The video is way too short…pant pant pant!!!
Auto play videos like that can be harmful to my health…lucky for me Meriam was downstairs. 😛
While this is a great video and all the girls are beautiful, they are mostly pretty Western looking. I really prefer real Filipinas if you know what I mean. Don’t even know how to define it, since as you say there are many different looks and ethnic combinations.
To answer your question in the byline Dave: Filipinas are definitely the most beautiful women in the world!
da’…d’…d’….Daaaaang! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉
Dave, a few years ago I read an article that may help explain why the ladies of the Philippines have a reputation for beauty, there was some science behind it. In the animal kingdom babies of most species are considered cute and adorable. This is partly because their head is not fully grown and however the eyes are already set, so you have what looks like huge eyes. Filipinos eyes are generally “half an eye” wider apart than other races. This creates an unfair advantage when it comes to good looks and allows (in general) a Filipina to retain a youthful look much longer than other ladies. I think this is true actually, but I am no expert..
Lee, I don’t know about your significant other but when my filipina gets mad, the eyes move back closer together. 😉 That’s how I can tell what kind of mood she is in…by the distance between her eyes! 😆 😆 😆
The Filipinas have spoiled me ! Most American women are OVERWEIGHT and from my observations, most Filipinas are the proper weight or slightly underweight. Beauty is in the eyes of the “Beerholder” Ha Ha and I Think that MANY Filipinas are very beautiful and also Friendly,I’m sure that you know what I mean. The Nurses there are Beautiful, Helpful & Very Friendly to us poor Americans with High Blood Pressure.
Till I Return
Damn autoplay!!!
So a couple of years back I am in CDO and outside the hotel girl watching. The hotel is right next to a major NEW hospital and it is shift change for the nurses. 😛
I ask this one very pretty lady if she is a nurse. Yes she was…Please check my heart I said. What is wrong she asked? My reply was that I just took one look at you and my heart skipped a beat. She kept walking. 🙁
So I am at the mall yesterday. Meriam and I are leaving when in comes a group of college girls. Very young and very pretty. Meriam goes around them and I just step aside and let them past. The lead girl starts to stare at me. Really stares!!! Then she smiles and says “HELLO.” Such a sexy hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the old man isn’t dead yet. 😀
Spent many years living in sydney australia a multicultural city………….I cant claim to have known woman from each race intimately and now i never will as Im married to the most beautiful of all .some Japanese girls are quite pretty and possess an almost childish cuteness ….for 5 years I lived in a predominately Vietnamese suburb CabramattA ..often referred to as Vietnamatta .Many Vietnamese girls are exceptionally beautiful ..very white skin ..slim and feminine .but none compare to filipina in my opinion ..Many filipina are beautiful looking girls but regardless ..all have a special feminity and warmth ………Ijust neeeever become tired of hearing the wonderful accent
Dave ..sori to tell you i dont like the new website design introduced last week .Too slick and compact and much of the appeal has been lost …i liked the lizard poop productions heading .I think of your site as a knockabout… information and lighthearted banter site ..hope you understand what im trying to say ..Im worried this might become just another slick and boring westerner in the philippines site ..hope not ……the new comments section is terrible ..the old one was great ….pls dont take offence…….oh there i go …off topic ….sori
I like the new comments section. It groups conversations nicely. Plus the new design makes the site look better when viewing on a mobile phone.
I like this new theme, easy on the eyes.
Livin the Philippines
maybe Im outvoted regards the new site …no problem ..My main concern was the layout of the comments section ..the wording is much smaller and now we are enclosed in a cage while before we were free range ….
I am so biased towards filipinas it is probably ridiculous…but nothing is going to change my mind…I believe filipinas (on average) are the best looking women in the world.
When I am in Makati, and sitting at one of the outdoor cafes, my friends and I marvel at how many gorgeous women walk by. It is like a model convention is nearby EVERY single second.
I honestly prefer the cute gals over the really pretty gals but there is an abundance of both.
And there is a filipina “mystique” that is hard to deny. They have a way about them that drives me absolutely crazy…in a good way.
Per capita the Philippines has to have the cutest and sweetest women on earth and finding a great gal is soooo easy! Just be nice, be interesting, and show respect for their culture…and you have come close to doing all you need to do to find a great gal.
Im becoming used to the new comments section Dave Just put me in the ‘grumpy old man ..resistant to any changes catagory ‘(59years old )…..Actually i hadnt considered the site viewers with mobile phones .Of course I”ll stick around as i somtimes reassure my wife .BEEN viewing your site since the early days of the ‘ Rooster crows’…..BTW and totally off topic ….wonder if you know how to stop a rooster from crowing (seriously)without causing any injury or pain the rooster …………………..
Stop a rooster from crowing? Yes it can be done by a vet. In the States it cost a lot. About the same as getting a female dog fixed.
Nope…………….theres an easy way Gary ..You can do it at virtually no cost ……should have told Dave about this 2 or more years ago haha
I cooked all my roosters back in Michigan…very tasty. Having said that if there are no males then a hen will take over the flock and she will crow…they are not very good at it. 🙂
Dave, My G/F’s mother was half-chinese, so she has those chinese type eyes, but not the lighter skin. But all in all nothing beats the beauty of a pinay among other good qualities. Take care and keep the pictures coming.
..How to stop a rooster from crowing ?…..Im sure you havce observed a rooster as he prepares to crow ..he will stretch his neck full length and crow untill his hearts content …often at 4 in the morning .To stop him .. all you need to do is ….ask some of the boys to collect some bamboo strips to make an overnight rooster enclosure .Now the important bit ……measure the height of your rooster in non crowing mode and construct the enclosure …..say ….1/2 inch higher .he can still walk around quite ok but he cannot stretch to crow …….I did this while staying near Kapalong (beyond Tagum …Gary )a couple of years ago worked ok
Clarrie, what do you do about that occasional pandak rooster? 😆
to answer your question Randyl….no problem the pandak rooster……still running free range and crowing at will
dude, those fotos you posted were of filipina mestizas, all the “real” filipina girls ive ever met were brown, 4 feet tall, squat legs, no shoulders, flat noses and had small breast….
I have to agree that filipina’s are the most beautiful in the world as are our mestiza children. Hate to make everyone jealous but here is a link to a pic of myself and our 2 little mestiza angels:
ive dated white and brown fillipinas , the best looking weomen in da world come from the northern fillipines , i personally found the flat faced brown dark brown myan looking godesses to be the best of the best , mia my girlfriend is one of them , stunning beauty just my opinion sion