Our pet pool project progress in the Philippines continues despite the tragic loss of one of our most dependable and trusted workers.
We are moving ahead with the new pool construction, having hired a new worker, a relative, of course. Our worker, who recently lost his life, is being buried and his brother, who also was employed by us, will be able to return to the job once his brother’s funeral in Guimaras is completed.
Our pool project in the Philippines started out slow. Here’s a look at the progress made after the first day, right before Christmas.
Pool supplies from Iloilo have already been delivered: sand filter, drains, deck box, transformer for the led multi-colored pool lights, skimmers, chlorine, pool pumps and an assortment of pvc pipes and fittings.
A project manager from Cebu City, along with a technician and our sales engineer, came on site last week. We are having their crew install all the necessary plumbing and pumps at a cost of 25,000 pesos, around 530 U.S. Dollars.
While our brother-in-law Joery has extensive plumbing skills we thought it best to have a group from the pool company do the installation. This way the company will also be responsible for any necessary adjustments or repairs that might be needed.
A small island will be the focal point of our new swimming pool project in the Philippines. While our island province is known for their white sandy beaches and multiple resorts, we felt having our own swimming hole would add a feature to our new home in the archipelago that can be enjoyed by family and friends for years to come.

Here’s a long shot of the pool with some of the 10 mm rebar installed. Our crew has been working under a torrid tropical sun the past few days without a hint of a breeze today. Summer is fast approaching.
This is our welder, JoJo, shown below, getting some protection from the sun by donning his hoodie. It’s tough work but the guys come to work on time every day and do an excellent job with minimal supervision. The pool will have depths of five, four and three feet.
After all the rebar in installed, our workers will start building the wooden forms they will use for the concrete foundation.
On an interesting side note, my asawa spoke to an older gentleman who lives in our area and has access to a front-end loader which could have been used to dig out the pool. My spouse thanked the helpful Filipino and advised him that the majority of the digging has already been done.
We have no timetable for the completion of our new pool in the Philippines and are glad to provide some employment opportunities for the local workforce. Any construction equipment would have expedited the process. We’re happy to have it done by the start of the rainy season, in mid-May or June.
We do not feel constrained by man made deadlines, a foreign concept in the United States or other western cultures. That’s fine with us. We’re perfectly content with abiding by “Filipino Time” for this new endeavor.
We have more projects in the works and with over 13,500 square meters of property and more property additions on the way, we have plenty of space to add these additional ventures. We’ll be sure to keep you posted.
I really need to get over to your place sometime 🙂 We haven’t hung out in quite some time… Perhaps I should make a day trip.
Hi Dave, one thing we have plenty of is time I think you’re right to leave the pump and plumbing installed by the pool company, should look fantastic when it’s finished
Your living the dream hope everything goes to plan take care,
Derek in a very drizzle pasig.
That’s a lot of digging by hand. But like you say it provides some much needed employment for the local population. Will the pool be screened in to keep out any mosquito’s or other bugs so you can enjoy it in the evenings?
The project is looking great.
Looking good, I like your idea of creating more than a rectangular pool, that island feature should be fun and visually interesting. Can’t wait to see more of this pool as it nears completion.
I have been looking at the bug problem myself….but plants dont work in there natural state
Looks great though