One of the perks of “working” on this website, “” is meeting in person some of the folks that actually read the crap I write and admit it. I recently had the pleasure of getting together with Randall Meek from “The Phillippines Project” and his lovely asawa, Flora. Randall, who hails from Cape Girardeau, Missouri Invasion, is on a five-week vacation tour of the Philippines. A former manager for FedEx, he now operates a maintenance contracting business with eight employees and has plans to expand the operation.
I like what Randall has to say about life on his website: “I subscribe to the premise that if you donβt have your own agenda, someone will make one for you. (Are you living your own life? Or someone Elseβs?) As Andy Dufrain said to Red in the Shawshank Redemption, ‘I figure you better get busy living, or get busy dying.‘”
I had hooked up with an American ex-pat friend, Jeff, who was doing some shopping with his asawa, Rose, and their daughter, and told him about the upcoming meeting with Randall. After a stop at SM’s Prestige Lounge, which I had never been in before, and was able to enter courtesy of my well-connected Hoosier friend, Jeff.
Jeff went searching for their wife and child and I headed over to the spot I was to meet Randall, in front of the always crowded Mang Inasal eatery inside SM City. Wasn’t long before I spotted him and his wife Flora. It’s easy to spy on a fellow white guy in a sea of Filipinos.
Asked Randall if he would mind going to Langford Place, just a short walk from the mall, where Jeff might also be meeting us. Randall was agreeable to that. My own asawa was somewhere in the mall shopping so I sent her a text message that we were headed to our favorite watering hole.

I soon received a text from Jeff that he was on the way, so it wasn’t long before we were all sitting at Langford’s enjoying a few bottles of chilled Pilsen. In the lead photo that’s me on the left next to is Jeff. Randall is seated next to Jeff, and on the right is Randall’s Filipina spouse of ten years, Flora Missouri Invasion.
I don’t know how many bottles of Pilsen Randall had consumed by this point, but he remarked I looked younger in person (I told Randall that he looks a lot younger than his age, 50. I wasn’t throwing BS at him. He does. ) He had been searching for a picture of me online to use on his website and could only find the following mugshot:
My asawa and niece and nephew eventually joined us as did Jeff’s crew. They’re pictured in the next photo along with Flora. As you can see, Jeff and Rose’s little one, Kailey, was already taking her afternoon siesta.
After many buckets of San Miguel Pale Pilsen and hours of stimulating conversation (mainly from Randall), we parted ways with plans to meet again on Wednesday at Langford’s. Randall and Flora were headed over to Bacolod City for a week or so, and were winding up their visit in Pavia, Iloilo, where Flora has relatives.
Unfortunately, I’ve been fighting off a flu bug that hit me on Tuesday, and I wasn’t able to make the previously planned meeting nor was Jeff. Fortunately, I had Randall’s cell phone number and was able to advise him that I would not be there.
Had a great time visiting with Randall and Flora.
“Missouri Invasion Slams Iloilo City! The Philippines Project Hits Town!” I’m open to more “invasions” like this!
Its all good bro, had fun also in our unexpected Langford trip. Kailey was exhausted from school and shopping as you see but Rose gave me a kitchen pass (Redneck talk) to stop by to our watering hole so again was a blast, Randall and Flora are a very nice couple whom we hope to see again! See you tomorrow bro, same time same place!
Cape Giradeau, Missouri? You mean that is a real place? I was born in Kansas City, Missouri and have been from one end of the state to the other. Wow, I learned something today. π π π
Sorry but I just couldn’t help myself.
The Cape is where Rush Limbaugh is from.
There is one person born in Cape Giradeau that you may have heard of, Rush Limbaugh. Looking forward to meeting everyone when i come and especially drink several cold ones. Have a nice day my friend.
Sorry PD, I posted before reading yours. Oh well, have on one me π
No problem lol. Take care.
Rush??? What is a Rush??? Wait, isn’t he the guy that worked for the KC Royals? Wasn’t very good at that job if I remember right.
He might be making a ton of money but he spends a ton on his drug habit. Then there is his lawyer fees that must be a ton also. Dumber than a bag of hammers!
LOSER! There…how was that??? π