Went to Raymen Beach, a popular Guimaras resort, about a 40-minute ride from our home at “The Compound, “ this past Saturday. One of our neighbors has a multi-cab, and we hired his driver, at a cost of P800 (18.49 USD) to take us back and forth to the white sandy beaches of Raymen in order to celebrate the recent birthdays of our five-year-old nephew, Jorreal, and 12-year-old nephew, Sharwin. Yeah, I know it was an expensive ride, last time we hired our neighbor’s multi-cab, the cost was P700, but the cost of fuel has gone up. Took a tricycle last year for the P300 round trip, but didn’t haul ten passengers and all the gear we did this time Will Cupid’s Arrow Strike.
The Sainted Patient Wife had sent a text message to Lyn Lyn and advised her to meet us at Raymen as we had already left. We really wanted her to join us for a day of fun at this Guimaras resort, as I wanted her to meet my newest friend, American expat Brother Tom. SPW had sent Lyn Lyn, who has been legally separated for 15 years, a message last week advising her that we wanted her to meet Tom, and she had replied that she would meet us, but now she was late and was not replying to my asawa’s text message this morning.

Not sure Brother Tom was going be there, either, so now I was concerned that my attempt at playing Cupid would all be in vain. Sent an email to Tom at the beginning of the week and had not heard from him. Still hadn’t received a reply from him as of Friday, the day before we were going to the beach, so my asawa and I took a tricycle ride to the Trappist Monastery where our “Deadhead” fan worked as an oblate and performed various functions.
Went to the Monastery gift shop and asked one of the brothers if he had seen Brother Tom. He replied that he had seen him in the morning (it was now afternoon), and he probably was at “The Farm”, where he resided. Our tricycle driver was still waiting for us so we made the short trek to Tom’s residence and discovered he was not home.
A caretaker at “The Farm” informed us that he was probably at the Trappist Monastery. Told him we had just left from there, so I scribbled a note and asked the caretaker to pass it on to our friend. He assured us he would. The sun was beating down, my T-shirt was soaked with perspiration, and I did not feel like tracking the elusive Brother, who did not own a cell phone, throughout all of Guimaras.
After paying our entrance fee of P200 for everyone, along with P450 for our covered hut, and after loudly complaining about having to pay an extra 100 pesos for Raymen Beach’s new policy of charging for “corkage,” bringing food in to the resort (my usually quiet and reserved asawa even vocalized her displeasure), it was now 9 am. No word from Lyn Lyn and no sign of Brother Tom. Would my role as Cupid’s helper be all for naught? Would Lyn Lyn and Brother Tom find romance on the beach? Just check out my next post for the conclusion.
Hi Dave: Are most of the beaches privately owned today? What would be the difference between a private beach with fees vs. a public beach if it still exists? I’m somewhat uniformed with the use of beaches in the Philippines. During my visits, my time was spent with my aging parents, malls (my older sister’s choice of place), or in business offices. I did see the oceanside from the taxis or hired vans, but did not go in the beaches. When I was in the elementary grades in the Philippines, there were no private beaches with fee charges in the city of Ozamiz. When the family packed up to go to the beach, we just located a spot, set up tables and took a swim. Times have changed in the Philippines.
Hi Dave,
I can’t wait for the next episode, especially if it contains a long, and definitely coherent sentence as the one above that started “One of my asawa’s relatives, Lyn Lyn, . . .”. I was gasping for breath at the end of it, but it was fun! It showed your sense of urgency.
I don’t comment often, but read and love all your articles, especially the ones dealing with family intrigue down there in the Philippines.
Hi all, It’s been my experiance since my wife and I moved here in 2002 that most of, if not all beachfront property worth a trip is privately owned. I have yet to find a “public beach”. The beaches charging entence fees and corkage are not public beaches. They are private beach resorts.
I have been to Raymen’s beach many years ago shortly after our arrival. It was our wedding anniversary so we decided to leave Iloilo City and see what was on Guimeras for a couple days if peace and quiet. My asawa too had visited Raymen’s beach resort as a kid so we tried there first.
We arrived at 1100 or so and I was hungry and decided to stop at the resturant to get a bite. My wife and brother in law opted to check out the resort and see what types of rooms were availiable. Itook me about 10 min to track down a waiter and there was a limited menu on the chalkboard. I opted for a cheeseburger and some pancit and a cold beer as it was already hot outside. After 15 minutes of prodding the waiter a slighly chilled bottle of beer appeared. I said to myself “here we go again”. Finally the food arrived after 45 min and I ordered another beer. The waiter had an attitude like he would rather nobody was in the resturant so he could go back to sleeping on a chair in the corner. Anyway took a couple bites and the food was horrible. So I paid my bill and went to look for my wife and brother in law.
The beach area was jam packed with every outside cabana taken. Most had a karoke maching going at ear splitting level one right next to another. Nothing like a bunch of drunks singing “who skinned the cat” to put me in a good mood. Anyway I found my wife who informed me that there was no rooms availible to which I replied “thank god” were otta here.
At the parking lot there were a group of trikes. I told my brother in law to ask them if there was a “better place than this nearby”. He found a driver who knew of a place nearby and cautioned “it’s a little expensive” to which I replied lets go. Off we went.
About 20 min later we arrived at the entrance to John B Lacson colege. I asked my bro in law if he was sure we are going to a resort ? He replied yes and sure enough on a side trail to the left there was an entrance sign for “Villia Igang” next to a dirt trail next to a resturant/waiting area. We went inside and asked if there were any rooms availible. We were asked if we had reservations which we did not. About 5 mon later a trike appeared from the trail. We rode down the trail past a lake to a compound. We went to check in as as expected the proces were higher, but the beach was uncrowded.
Anyway that’s how we discovered Villia Igang and have been going back for years with the family. It’s middle of the road pricewise and “Nan” the lady that runs the place always takes good care of us and sends a private Jeepney etc when we call.
But to get back to the point. I really don’t think there are any public beaches here. They are all private resorts and depending on the price you pay, you get what you pay for. I’m no snob, but the cheaper beach resorts attact a certian type of crowd that I don’t mix well with. I’d rather pay a little more for peace and quiet and a clean well maintained resort.
This is an example of one of the nicer beach resorts we go to in Iloilo. http://www.solymariloilo.com .
Paul in Iloilo
Hi Dave,
Your welcome. Also happy to have found a local blog like yours that is open to comments. I was thinking if Raymens is about 40 min by trike for you, then Villia Igand is only about another 10 from the Trappest Monestary, it must be closer than Raymen’s to your place. It’s right behind John B Lacson Maritime College.
When we go we usually bring our crew with us too. One of the things I really like is Nan does not nickel and dime us and a family room for 6 is only P 1,200 with aircon. Another plus is we can bring our “kids” which are 2 Shih Tzu’s which love to swim and Nan has no problem with us bringing our little doggies there. Our other “kids” most are all grown up now and finished college. But they still enjoy going to Villia Igang with Tito Paul and Mom Bing :).
I’d recommend you stop by there sometime with Momma and check the place out. The fried chicken there is really good and at a reasonable proce. Yeah I am sure we can catch up to you there soon. I am overdue for a trip to peace and quiet. Will be sure to send you an invite when we are there.
Paul In Iloilo
Resort in lloilo looks nice. Very reasonable prices and food looks good. Wouldn’t mind staying there if i get in that area. Thats for the info.
Your Welcome anytime Oaoa Duck :). It’s a 30-40 min trip out of town to get there, but well worth the trip. We have also been going to Sol Y Mar for years. Once I find a good place I like, I continue going there. Brought a Retired Navy Friend and his crew out there last month and had a blast. Very quiet, peaceful and well kept place. Oh yeah the food is good there. Also if you want a chage of menu “South Park” yes that’s rteally the name of the resturant is 5 min up the raod with excellant food and a view of Guimeras. Amazing what you find with an old family Jeepney playing Cowboy :).
Paul in Iloilo
Good post. Too bad your playing cupid didn’t work. Don’t see how Tom survives w/o a phone, especially in a isolated area. I would need one for emergencies. Can’t believe they charge you for bringing food. You can solve that by not returning again. Have a nice day.
I found the website for Guimeras Island and Villia Igang if anyone would like to check it out. Been there many times with the family and we always have an enjoyable experiance.http://www.islandguimaras.com/villaigang.html
Paul in Iloilo
I noticed on the bottom of the web site for Villa Igang that a number of other resorts were advertised. Are these others worth visiting as well?
OK OK!!!!!!!! we waited long enough, now we want “the rest of the story” what a “Cliff Hanger”.
I do enjoy reading about your adventures. Cant wait to get moved to Bohol island.
We have a few years before moving to the Philippines, the plan for us is to spend summers
in Wisconsin and winters in Bohol.
I hope that someday we can get together and talk telephone what did you do for ATT?
Bob in Alaska
Maybe they’re already meet each other accidentally and hit it off right away w/o knowing that they’re really destine to meet through you. i can’t wait for the next part.
Dave, I am enjoying reading about your trip to Raymen. My asawa and I had a nice cookout there in March with some of her family and her aunt’s family.
Didn’t really like having to pay extra for bringing our own food, but we had a great time anyway.
Dave, I went to a public beach in Sto. Domingo a few years ago. The area was still reeling from a recent catagory 4 typhoon but the beach was obviously not well maintained. There was trash strewn all over and the fixtures were all in poor condition. I later visited a private resort owned by one of my wife’s batchmates (classmates) and it was very obvious the difference between public and private. I would say that even if you found a public beach you would prefer the private.