We had taken our Ford Ranger to Iloilo City for service. Our ABS and Engine Warning lights had appeared on our dashboard within days of each other. “Philippines Ford Ranger Woes: Engine Light Stays On Pt. 2” is the conclusion to the previous post.
The Culprit Revealed
The service manager at Ford Iloilo pulled out his cell phone and showed us a picture of the underside of our Ranger. The photo revealed two cables that were linked to the ABS and Engine Warning lights. Both cables had been chewed, exposing the wiring, causing the warning lights to malfunction.
The culprit? A dog. Our dog. We have eight canines residing at our residence in Guimaras, the island province we call home. But my asawa and both knew the guilty party had to be our buddy, “Squeak Squeak.” “Squeak’s favorite napping spot is right underneath the Ford Ranger.
Everyday “Squeak” goes underneath the truck and stays there for hours at a time during the heat of the day. Whenever we go looking for the “Squeak” we always go to the truck. The pooch is there about 90% of the time.
We thanked the service manager. The damage wasn’t covered by our warranty but it only cost us about 25 US dollars to repair the wiring.
Problems at the RO-RO Wharf
Although we arrived at the dock to take our truck back on the RO-RO, Roll-On, Roll-Off ferry, around 1:30 pm, we were too late for the 1:30 pm departure back to Guimaras. The next trip at 3:30 pm was already booked.
The last trip was scheduled for 5:30 pm. There was no assurance we would make that trip. There was a strong possibility we would have to stay in Iloilo City overnight along with our relative/driver.
Two fights had broken out the day before at the ferry dock. Someone, who had jumped line, had driven their vehicle on the ferry and refused to leave. A fistfight ensued. The police were called. Later that day, another donnybrook had occurred over another line jumping incident.
Now the ferry’s management was scrutinizing the sign-up sheet for each trip. It seems that some of the workers on the ferry might have been inclined to take a 100 peso tip, two bucks, from folks that wanted to make sure their vehicle would be on the next trip. This practice would naturally piss off other vehicle owners who had already signed the wait list and make them wait enough longer for the next trip.
The Last Trip Home
We didn’t make the 3:30 pm cut. I sat in our Ford Ranger waiting, windows rolled down, acknowledging locals walking by and greeting me with “Hey, Joe!” . At 5:30 pm the ferry had returned from Guimaras. Our relative/driver had since been told we would make the last trip.
Anxiously, I waited as our relative cranked up the engine. Huge construction trucks and other large delivery trucks were already boarding the ferry. We were advised that passenger vehicles would be given priority this last trip.

That wasn’t the case. Obviously the ferry operator’s charge the big rigs more than the 800 pesos, 16 US Dollars, they charge us for a round trip. They make more money with the big boys even though they take up more room. Now only 10 passenger vehicles were being allowed on.
Joe Michael, our relative/driver, was advised by some helpful ferry workers to “be aggressive” in order to get one of the 10 spots.
Our driver was, indeed, “aggressive” and quickly backed up into one of the remaining slots left on the ferry. Thankfully, we had made the last trip back to Guimaras that day.
“Squeak-Squeak” Gets Scolded
My spouse tried to scold “Squeak-Squeak” upon our arrival home from Iloilo that evening but without much success. The mischievous pup had no white Ford Bronco to escape in and drive around Guimaras endlessly. All the pooch had to do was look up and give my wife one of his classic “sad looks” and all is forgiven. I wish that would work with me.
The “Squeak”
I cannot recall how times “Squeak” has dug up and destroyed one of my spouse’s precious plants or flowers in her garden. But, after a mild rebuke from my better half, “Squeak-Squeak” goes on to plan his next caper.
The Gate Goes Up
We certainly were not going to tie up the canine. We let our dogs roam free most of the time, including our star watchdog, “Killer,” our Belgian Shepherd, who’s only bitten four people thus far in the past two years.
Most of the dogs, aside from “Killer” and a couple of other of our larger pooches, are placed inside their dog kennel during the evening. The fenced in area gives the dogs ample room to roam around in. They have a roof over their three dog houses and always have plenty of food and water.
But to keep “Squeaky” from sabotaging our Ford Ranger again, our brother-in-law Joery constructed a gate at the front and back of the terrace where we park our vehicle. The gate easily swings open to allow the truck to back up.
The gates goes up
Most folks in our province don’t have an enclosed garage; don’t need one in the Philippines. We never get snow and the covered terrace provides us shelter from any monsoon rains when we have to get into the truck.
The material for the gates cost us 4,000 pesos, 80 US Dollars, but it will keep “Squeak” and our other pooches from doing any further damage to our Ford. “Squeak”’ isn’t too happy with our brother-in-law, however. Every time Joery comes by, “Squeaky” throws a menacing growl our brother-in-law’s way. The pooch knows who is responsible for blocking his favorite siesta spot.