Our niece DenDen is one of the “Teen-Age Fililpina Beauties” featured in this post. Den recently competed in the “Search for Mr and Miss YES-O-MODEL 2016. ” YES-O is an acronym for The Youth for Environment in Schools’ Organization. The competition was held at our niece’s high school in Guimaras.
YES was established in 2003 by the Philippine Department of Education, DepED. It’s a co-curricular organization which serves as a venue for students’ actions and movements toward safeguarding, protecting and conserving the environment for future generations.
A legion of lady boys attended to the hair and make-up of the ten teen-age Filipina beauties participating in the competition. The event was scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm. We were asked by DenDen’s mother, Alida, to arrive at 5.
I don’t know why we had to come early. We sat around for two hours in the make-up area, the Home Economics Room, sweltering in the heat and humidity. Perhaps we were there for moral support.
Alida is attending to her daughter’s outfit in the photo above. I suppose I could have asked my sister-in-law why we had to arrive two hours early but decided to let it go. I’m retired anyway. What else did I have to do? So I sat as close as I could to a fan and took a few pictures.
My lovely asawa poses with our niece. We were quite pleased to see DenDen enter this event. She is extremely shy so entering such a competition where she would be on stage before a large crowd was a brave bold step for her.
After sitting around for two hours I was shocked when the event actually started on time, 7:00 pm sharp! Aside from the 6:00 am Sunday Mass at the Trappist Monastery, I have never attended any function that started on time in the Philippines.
The school had observed “Filipino Time” on my previous visits to the institution with graduation ceremonies starting 90 minutes late. To my knowledge, President Duterte had not announced any “shoot to kill” orders to anyone not following “Filipino Time.” But the punctual start time was appreciated.
DenDen had a large contingent of supporters in the crowd. Her classmates spelled out her real name and loudly cheered as she came on stage. I can never remember my niece’s real name as I’ve only called her by her nickname for the past seven years I’ve been in the Philippines.
I have never met any Pinoy or Pinay thus far in this archipelago that does not have a nickname.
Our niece is fourth from the left, Number 3.

The ten teen-age Filipina beauties would also share the stage with a group of six young men. Well, at least I did see six guys at the beginning of the competition but once the interview portion of the contest started, I only spied four young Filipinos on the stage.
I later saw the two young men join the crowd of onlookers in their civilian clothes before the interview portion of the event began. I don’t why they had dropped out but perhaps the rigors of the “Search for Mr and Miss YES-O-MODEL 2016” had gotten to be too much for them.
But what could be so stressful that you would give up the chance to be on stage with ten pretty pinays?
Here’s a look at the dance production number. DenDen is on the far left wearing shoes that look that like they have about a four-inch heel. I can barely walk in slippers. Take a look at a close-up shot I took of her footwear.
Our niece is tall without the shoes, standing around 5’7.” The shoes added a lot of elevation but it looked like all the girls wore similar gear.
It was reported to me that one of the contestants even wore 10 inch heels to make up for her short height.
That’s DenDen, Number 3, participating in the Casual Wear portion of the program.
And here’s a close-up of our pretty niece with her casual wear outfit.
This is DenDen wearing her formal gown. A very beautiful young lady.
While one excited young Filipina got into the following shot I took, I still decided to post it. Much as DenDen is extremely shy, she did well in the Interview Stage of the “Search for Mr and Miss YES-O-MODEL 2016. ”
The contestants drew a number which corresponded to a picture displayed on the projector screen located off stage. Each of the Teen-Age Fililpina Beauties had to then give a brief summary of what the picture meant to them as it corresponded to the environment.
That’s my asawa who was asked to go on stage. DenDen did not win the competition but was awarded 3rd Runner-Up in addition to being named “Miss Popularity.”
DenDen poses with other winners in the competition. In conclusion, my spouse and I felt DenDen did very well for her first beauty pageant and we’re both extremely proud of her. Congratulations, DenDen, on a job well done!