Turning over the reins to a younger generation
It’s been an awesome past 12 years. However, it’s time to move on and let a younger man take over this website. It’s “The Kano’s Last Hurrah.”
I have been blessed with a wonderful, loving, beautiful Filipina, “The Sainted Patient Wife.” My asawa has put up with me for over 22 years. Marrying the Pinay pride of my life is the smartest thing I’ve ever done in my whole life. Retiring to the Philippines in 2009 at the age of 57 was the second smartest thing. However, the list of the dumbest things I ever done, even in the Philippines alone, would be virtually endless.
Let me thank Webmaster Supreme Rich Pawly for allowing me to park this website on his server for 12 years. Rich has been bailing me out of numerous technical jams and has been doing all of this for free. Like myself, and the new owner, we are extremely intelligent men, having married Filipinas.
Rich has been a lifesaver. I sincerely thank him for all of his hard work over the years.
Time to Move On
I decided it was time to move on. I’m in my Seventies now. I want to truly retire and spend more time with my two best friends, my wife, and my second best friend, “Squeaky,” one of our eight “puppies.” While my loving spouse might be tired of having me around 24/7 for the past 12 years, “Squeak, will appreciate the expat pats I’ll be able to give him.

“Squeak” and “The Sainted Patient Wife”

New Sheriff in Town
I also want to thank the young man who has purchased “PhilippinesPlus”, Kevin S. Kevin, as mentioned earlier, is also married to a Filipina and wants to bring even more stories and insights to living in the Philippines. I sincerely believe he has a passion for the Philippines and is more than qualified to take over. Kevin is going to bring a lot of exciting new content to the website so look for his first post here shortly.
Thank you so much, Kevin. I am honored to have you take over.

Randy, aka “Papa Duck,” killing it at karaoke
Past Readers and Contributors
Finally, let me thank all of my readers, old and new, who have visited this website. The people who I want to especially thank are too numerous too mention. However, let me give a special shout out to Bob Martin, Lance the Canadian, Wartime hero Scot H, Randy, aka “Papa Duck,” and Dave Starr. I’m sure I’ve left a lot of other people out but remember, I am an old geezer who is forgetful at times.

Scott H, Iraqi combat veteran
God bless everyone. Thanks for everything. The best of wishes to the new owner, Kevin S.
Take care.
“The Kano”