Kidney stones. I would rather have all my teeth pulled without Novocaine than go through another kidney stone attack like the one I recently endured. My wife and I were on our way for our outpatient visit at Guimaras provincial hospital. We didn’t arrive until 9 am since I was extremely groggy from a sleeping pill I “borrowed” from my father-in-law to help me sleep through the severe pain on my right side, a common kidney stone side effect. Lolo, my father-in-law, has severe dementia and needs medication to help him sleep. (Thanks to Murray the Kiwi for supplying my father-in-law with a year’s supply of medications.)
The helpful nursing staff at the outpatient department included a foreigner from Ohio
I didn’t think Lolo would miss one pill, but I’m telling you that thing knocked me off my butt! I don’t know how my father-in-law can wake up at night singing and talking to his dead friends while under the influence of that pharmaceutical.
There must have been a horde of at least 50-60 people waiting for outpatient care. The doctor that treated me Sunday night had recommended we go to the Outpatient section after I had my ultrasound results. I knew we would be in for a long wait.
My asawa checking in with the receptionist at the outpatient section
As mentioned at the end of my previous post, the ultrasound, which revealed a cluster of small kidney stones, also exposed an enlarged prostate. This news did not sounded rather ominous to my wife and I, but after a quick Google search, I discovered an enlarged prostate, which is often called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is not cancer, and it does not raise your risk for prostate cancer (Source: Medicine Plus.)
I felt relieved after reading that and discovered BPH is a common problem for many men over the age of 50. I’m a 62-year-old geezer and I don’t have any of the common symptoms associated with BPH such as frequent urination. I relayed that news to my worried spouse who had been worrying about me the minute I gave her that ultrasound report.
It was a long wait to see the doctor, as there were 50-60 people seeking medical attention
My kidney stone attack was a blessing in disguise as it also afforded my poor asawa to also seek treatment at the outpatient department for a stomach ailment she has had for over a week. She kept telling me she was feeling better, but she would have days when her diarrhea was not responding to any medication, so I insisted she visit the doctor along with me.

The Kano and my Asaswa, patiently waiting
I tried to get my wife to go to the doctor before this and if not for my emergency room visit that one Sunday night, I doubt she still would have sought medical attention. Stubbornness runs in her family and she certainly practices that trait from time to time.
The nurse on the left in blue was busy taking blood pressure readings from everyone. When it came my turn, I remarked to her: “You certainly don’t look like a Filipino? Where are you from?”
“The United States,“she replied, “Ohio.”
“Oh, I’m from Illinois, not too far away. What in the world are you doing in Guimaras?” I asked.
She was working for a volunteer organization that I did not get the name of but admired her for her volunteer work and for the excellent blood pressure reading she gave me: 100/77.
Waiting to be called in to see the doctor
After about a two hour wait we were called out of the hallway waiting area and my wife was first directed to a doctor shown in the photograph below.
The physician was very professional and ordered a test for my wife to determine what the cause of her stomach ailment was. I was then asked about my problem and I showed my ultrasound results to the doctor. She wrote up a blood test request for me to test my kidney functions and to determine what kind of medications she would prescribe for my kidney stones.
Since the laboratory was already closed for the day, we would have to return the next morning for our tests and wait for the results. I was disappointed that I still had no medicine to shrink my kidney stones but would have to deal with the occasional severe pain I had with the remaining pain medication I received on my emergency room visit.
I was hoping for a pain free day before we returned to the lab at the hospital the next morning, as I was becoming increasingly frustrated and fatigued with the ongoing kidney stone pain that usually attacked me at bedtime.
But I only had one more day to wait, I prayed, and hoped tomorrow would be a better day.
Hi Dave
I leave for the Philippines on August 7th. Once you know what medicines you need let me know and I will get some for you, assuming the medicines are available in NZ.
Regards to all
Kiwi Murray
Dave, I hope that your kidney stones and enlarged prostate gland (PBH)get resolved soon, along with your wife’s stomach ailment. I also hope when you showed your wife that Medicine Plus article about enlarged prostate glands that she didn’t read the part where it says “if the testicles are removed after a man develops BPH the prostate begins to shrink in size”.
Super Dave,
I feel your pain there partner!!! I have kidney stones at least once a year for close to 20 years now. Each and every time the lovely asawa drives me to the local emergency room, where I have to explain to some doctor who just got out of med school what the symtoms are and blah blah blah blah blah blah and yes I’ve had them several times before so I’m pretty darn sure it’s a frigging kidney stone. So after 5 tubes of blood being drawn, a urine sample, 5 to 6 blood presuure checks etc etc etc, the young charging doctor finally returns and ask me what I was given taken previously when I the stones. Keeping my wits about me and not smacking said snot nosed youngsterI smile and tell him a shot in the butt cheek of demerol, and a weeks supply of the same in pill format and I usually pass the stone in 5 to 6 days. So he orders up a double shot of demerol in the butt cheek, 10 minutes later life is good and the world is right again. The lovely asawa takes my drousy self home and she goes to fill my meds at the local pharmacy. After a few days of being null and void from the meds but not in pain the stone(s) pass. You have nerves of steel Super Dave, as the stones I get bring me to my knees and usually whining like a little girl..haha. Thats the only issue I have for not living there year round, is the availablity of the pain meds I need when my stones hit. Last year when there I had an onset of a stone while at the MIA airport heading back home to oklahoma. Luckly we stopped in Guam and went to an emergency room there just as the major pain was kicking in. My hats off to you Super Dave, you have #%$@ of steel :-).
John D
I am Praying for a Quick recovery for you, and NO Further Bad News !!
Take Care Always,
Fearless Frank from Florida
Hope You and Melinda are doing better now. Been off line since Wednesday. We got a direct hit from the Typhoon. I sent you an e-mail with the details.