Our healthcare facility in the Philippines scores a win! My wife, diagnosed with dengue fever and pneumonia, was admitted to our local provincial hospital in Guimaras this past Wednesday evening. She had a dangerously low white blood platelet count of 106. It was now Thursday morning and the attending physician walked into our room around 11:15 am. This was the first time we had seen the doctor since being admitted. I was praying for some good news.
The doctor gave us the results of the initial blood test: the white blood count had gone up to 136 but still below the normal range of 150.
Our physician advised us that once my asawa had multiple white blood counts above the normal range of 150 she could be released from the hospital. How long that could take was undetermined at this time.
There was also the issue with my spouse’s pneumonia; she still had a horrific cough and she would also need to stay under supervision for that condition.
But at least, her white blood count had improved, which I considered a win for our healthcare facility in the Philippines, at least for the moment.
I stayed with my wife during the day, Thursday. I had gone home early in the morning to retrieve some personal effects but was scolded for bringing back “every day” t-shirts. I felt the hospital was not exactly a fashion showcase, and apparel was not that important at this point, but what did I know?
My brother-in-law Joery, who has been working on painting the exterior of our new home in the Philippines, retrieved the exact t-shirts that my wife wanted and brought them to the hospital later that day Healthcare Facility.

The staff at the Guimaras provincial hospital was extremely helpful.
However, the food, which was served in small plastic bags and passed out for breakfast, lunch and dinner, frankly sucked.
Fortunately there was a canteen on the hospital grounds serviced by several eateries on our island province. My wife did not have much of an appetite but could eat a bowl of hot noodles along with some SkyFlakes crackers.
There was no television in the room we shared with two other patients so we whiled away the hours on our Samsung Galaxy Tablets playing video games.
More blood tests were done, and my wife’s white blood count improved to 186 and 170. She was still administered pain medication and always was hooked up to an IV. Maybe we could be getting out soon.
But in the meantime, the Comfort Room, CR, in the room, was absolutely filthy. Our niece, Michelle, came in later that evening with sister-in-law Alida. My wife gave Michelle some money to buy a toilet bowl brush and some bathroom cleaner.
It took a few minutes to explain to Michelle the concept of a toilet bowl brush as opposed to a tooth brush but she finally got the message.
I was hopeful that the blood tests would continue to improve and that we might be able to get discharged from the hospital the next day, Friday.
My wife’s sister, Alida, volunteered to stay with my spouse during the evening but I advised her that I would stay. Alida would come in the next morning, Friday, long enough for me to return home and take a quick shower and pick up more supplies.
We settled in for another night in the hospital.
Hi Dave, glad melinda is getting better our clinic I use in pasig is very clean but I can
Understand sometimes in the province you can have problems with the comfort room etc,
I just don’t understand why Filipinos let them get that bad, as for food you take your chance sometimes I look for a 7 11 or a jollybee if I can’t get any reasonable food,
Take care, Derek in pasig.
Hello Dave this is steve wife from Arizona, sorry to hear about your wife Melinda but any way she well get soon .
Good to hear that your wife is doing better! Since you mentioned Route 66 and Texas I thought that I’d leave you some reading material while you’re sitting at the hospital…hope you enjoy. http://itsyourthingtravels.com/2015/05/18/historic-rte-66-from-chicago-to-texas/
A little road trip we took this summer 🙂
We are so happy that Melinda is doing a lot better. We were worried about her. Hopefully she is home right now. She will just need to rest for several days and not worry about doing any gardening for a while.
So glad your wife is doing well. Take care and God Bless to you both.
glad to hear that your wife is on the recovery. and I got a good laugh on you taking the wrong T-shirts to the hospital .
Didn’t want to weigh in before a turnaround so am very glad to here Melinda is doing better.
Was also amused at the everyday t-shirt issue. At 62 I thought I was the only geezer who’s asawa scolded him about what t-shirt he wore and how he wore it (tucked in is the only approved manner in my household) 🙂
I am so happy your wife is getting better. Whew!
Also, yes…Skyflakes for some darn reason just seem better than regular crackers I buy in America. I have used Skyflakes many times when my stomach was a bit uneasy but I was still hungry and needed something. Skyflakes took care of my appetite and the queazy feeling in my stomach.
Now onto a subject that has absolutely puzzled me from day one in my trips to the Philippines. Why are the CR’s in such horrible shape? I just don’t get it. Especially many public CR’s. Filipinos generally have really good personal hygiene, at least the thousands I know, but the CR’s in many places, including really nice restaurants are just a mess.
Anyway, hope the recovery keeps going well.