El Niño is a weather pattern associated with reduced rainfall. It’s been impacting the Philippines over the past few months. As a result, we kicked in a water conservation plan at our home in Guimaras a few months ago.
El Niño & Our Water Conservation Plan
Phase One
First of all, my wife ordained that our niece and nephew (that used to live with us) carry in water from one of our two wells to their individual CR’s, Comfort Rooms.
No one is to use running water for his or her showers. Both kids used to take showers that lasted up to 30 minutes.
Everyone uses recycled soapy water from the laundry day to flush his or her toilets. That includes our CR. I’m the only one allowed to use running water for the shower. Why? Because my asawa says I don’t know how to take a shower with the bucket. I keep my shower time to a minimum and don’t let the water run continuously.
Otherwise, running water can only be used to wash hands and to wash dishes.
Our swimming pool was shut down. We no longer bring in water from our wells to fill the pool. We will wait for the advent of the rainy season to raise the water level.
El Niño & Our Water Conservation Plan
Phase Two
Phase Two of our water conservation plan in the Philippines kicked in last month. Instead of using our Samsung Wobble Free washing machine, all of the laundry is now done by hand outside by one of our wells.
That’s a lot of extra work for my wife and our niece. However, my spouse insists on doing it that way. After almost 20 years of marriage I’ve learned not to question her…most of the time. Consequently, with the hiring of our new domestic helper there will be some extra help on laundry day.
El Niño & Our Water Conservation Plan
Phase Three

Both of our wells were recently dug out an extra meter deep, three feet. One well has filled up with more water. However, water conservation efforts remain in place until the advent of the rainy season.
PAGASA’s Latest Forecast
On April 24, 2019, Pagasa held its “112th Climate Outlook Forum.”
PAGASA is the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, the Philippine’s national weather service.
Here’s a summary of their El Niño forecast:
A weak El Niño will still persist in the Tropical Pacific that may continue thru Jun-Jul-Aug 2019 season.
Rainfall forecast for the whole country:
MAY 2019: Generally near normal rainfall conditions in most parts of the country, except for Bicol Region, E. Visayas and some parts of western and southern Luzon where below normal is expected.
JUNE 2019: Generally near normal rainfall conditions in Visayas and Mindanao except for most areas in northern and central Luzon.
JULY 2019: Above normal rainfall conditions expected in most parts of northern Luzon while most parts of Visayas and Mindanao are expected to have near normal rainfall conditions.
AUGUST 2019: Below normal rainfall conditions expected in most parts of northern and central Luzon while most parts of Visayas and Mindanao are expected to have near to above normal rainfall conditions.
SEPTEMBER 2019: Generally near normal rainfall conditions expected in most parts of the country.
OCTOBER 2019: Generally below normal (with patches of way below normal) rainfall conditions in most parts of Luzon and Visayas, while below to near normal rainfall conditions in Mindanao are expected. Generally near average to slightly warmer than average temperature is forecasted during the period (esp. night time temperatures.)
Graphic from PAGASA Website
Guimaras is located in Western Visayas. Our island province is expected to receive near normal rainfall from May until October.