Here’s a recent advisory from the Philippine Bureau of Immigration’s website.

Want more details on Alert Level 1? Go to this website, the Philippines News Agency, for more information.
In addition, this advisory was also on the Bureau’s website.

Note that FULLY-VACCINATED clients are EXEMPT from the Bureau’s Online Appointment System. However, make sure you bring your vaccination card or vaccination certification.
The following Press Release was the final warning for those procrastinators who haven’t filed their Annual Report. Today is March 1, 2022. If you haven’t filed by now, you’re late and will be subject to penalties.

My advice to you would be to skedaddle to your nearest Bureau of Immigration office and register NOW!
The Bureau of Immigration (BI) reminded all BI-registered foreign nationals that they have HAD only until March 1 to report in person to the BI’s offices for the 2022 annual report.
According to BI Commissioner Jaime Morente, the annual report period is non-extendible and failure to comply may result in the imposition of fines or even deportation.

“We urge all foreigners holding immigrant and non-immigrant visas to report to the nearest BI office for their annual report until tomorrow, March 1,” Morente added.
Based on existing guidelines, all BI-registered aliens shall make their annual report within the first 60 days of every calendar year.
Morente reiterated, however, that those aged 14 years and below and those 65 years and above, pregnant women, and persons with disabilities are exempted from personally appearing for the AR.
“Those exempted may opt to file their AR through their authorized representative or any BI-accredited liaison officer,” he said.
Last year, the Bureau recorded a total of 130,148 aliens for the annual report.