Our new roof in the Philippines, manufactured in Cebu, finally gets delivered to our new home construction site on the mango island province of Guimaras. The roof, made at the Union Galvasteel plant in the Queen City of the South, was to have been delivered this past Friday afternoon. It didn’t make it on Friday as promised. Seems no one from the roofing company made sure the new roof was loaded on the ship that would take it to Iloilo. At Iloilo, our Union Galvasteel representative, Jolex, as in “Rolex,” was to have it loaded on their truck and then put onto the local ferry which would take it to Guimaras.
Jolex then assured us that the roof would be delivered on Sunday afternoon. Monday morning, 10 am, we had no word from our Galvasteel Rep. As far as we knew, we had not have any roof since we did hear from a relative on Sunday afternoon that the RORO, Roll On, Roll Off Ferry, from Iloilo to Guimaras, was down for repairs. But it would have been good customer service for Jolex to advise us of this new delay and to keep us updated.
Finally, around 10:30 am on Monday, my asawa calls down to me and advises me that the roof was delivered and the installation crew has already started working. Jolex was in a training session all morning and was unable to answer our calls or text messages.
More good news: Brother-in-law Joery has completed all the necessary building permits we needed from our new barangay. It took him almost two months and multiple trips to the barangay hall but he really accomplished this process rather fast, at least by Filipino standards. I know of expats that have taken eight months to have their building permits done and that was after they had moved into their homes.
More good news: The truck parts for our damaged Ford Ranger XLT are finally in! The parts were ordered on January 30,2015 and we are scheduled to bring the truck into Iloilo on Monday, April 6, after Holy Week. Our insurance is covering all the damages and we did not have to spend one single centavo to order the said parts.

Regular readers of Philippines Plus will note that I have not written any new posts in almost three weeks. This is the longest I have gone without updating this website since its inception over five years ago. My slow internet speed from Globe has contributed to this delay plus, frankly, I have not felt like updating the site. I’ve always said if it felt like work to keep this website going, I would stop maintaining it. It’s felt like “work,” the past couple of months, and I honestly make as much money from it if it’s updated or not.
But I plan to keep plugging along and break all the rules recommended for any blogger, paramount of which, is too keep writing new posts on a regular schedule. But I’m retired and don’t depend on the income from this website now. I wish I could promise some kind of regular output, but I don’t want to get locked into any at this point.
Hopefully, the roof will arrive soon. The interior and exterior walls of our new home are done and the concrete finishing work on those walls will soon be completed. Flooring, doors, windows and plumbing still need to be installed, but there’s a good chance all of the work will be completed by the end of this May.
Kudos to my faithful asawa for maintaining our household along with ordering all the materials for the new house and taking care of our crew’s payroll. Without her invaluable help, this house would never have been completed. Updates and pictures on the new roof will soon be coming, however. Thanks for your continued support and patience.
Hi Dave- I had been clicking your website for your next article; you will be sorely missed if you stop 🙁
Good to hear all is alright with you, Melinda and the house.
Hi Dave welcome back,good to see your new roof has arrived had same trouble with our internet Sky been
Really slow past few weeks, yes sometimes it feels like hard work i retired from the rat race at the age of 52
Back in England moved to the Philippines over 6 years ago still love living here, you have bad days but we have
Many more good days ,still love reading your posts did I say we built a 5 bedroom house and thers only 3 of us
Asked the wife why she said it’s for guests she’s the boss, Derek in pasig.
Hey Dave – As a fellow blogger (and fellow Dave) I know there are times where you just don’t feel up to doing it or don’t have a decent idea or whatever. Don’t worry about it. When you have something to say, we’re all happy to read it.
In my case, I found my ex-wife has been reading my blog, thereby listening to more of my words that she did when we were married.
Hi Dave. Nice to read your latest article. So what have you been doing with all your spare time lately since your internet was so slow and you haven’t been “working” on your website?
Besides your internet, looks like things are coming together. Give a shout when you’re in town please. Would be good to swap notes and jokes again 🙂 Still wanting to make a daytrip to your island sometime. Drop me a note on FB?