I had more pictures from our new swimming hole that I didn’t publish in my last post. So I’ve added more pics from our 1st Philippines Pool Party. Last weekend saw our Guimaras relatives frolicking in our new lagoon. Even Lola, my mother-in-law got into the act! Thankfully, Grandma, seen in the next shot, did not wear a two-piece string bikini.
I’ve been appointed by my asawa as the designated “pool boy.” It’s my first major assignment since retiring to the Philippines over seven years ago.
It’s hard to believe that I’m actually doing something. What’s ironic is that I can’t even swim. Can’t even float, though my spouse is trying to teach me that. Because I’m hanging out in the shallow part of our pool, which has depths up to six feet, I might be able to float without drowning.
I’ll have more on my “pool boy” duties in a future post unless my floating practice goes tragically awry.
I’ve only been off our property once in the past few weeks. Because I’m in my hermit phase where I don’t socialize, I still felt obligated to invite our relatives over for a swim in the new pool.
What’s the sense of having a swimming pool in the Philippines, or any where else for that matter, if you don’t use it?
I’m kicking off a series of photos with a look at the back of our home from our new swimming hole. Next to the pool’s Comfort Room, you can see the spiral staircase which leads to our upstairs terrace.
Lola didn’t stay in the pool long but she held onto that Power Rangers flotation device throughout her swim.
Niece Michelle, far left, is pleased to see her Grandmother in the pool. Sister-in-law Alida is behind her Mom and my lovely asawa is on the far right.
Here’s the whole gang. Brother-in-law Joery, far left, is in a pensive mood. It’s one of the few times I’ve never seen him smile.
What’s up, Joery? I’ve never seen him so serious. Maybe he’s jealous of the ultra-cool goggles Michelle is wearing.

Our niece DenDen was claiming her spot on the small “island” feature in the middle of our new swimming hole. I have no doubt she was capturing some pictures to post on her Facebook account later.
My spouse is with our niece JalAmiel, who also is sporting some seriously cool goggles.
I don’t think my wife was practicing waterboarding on our little niece. Maybe she was just helping JalAmiel learn the backstroke since her brother Jorreale had already learned it that day.
My lovely asawa again and our nephew Sherwin.
My spouse was having a great time in our new swimming pool in the Philippines. She swims almost every evening before dinner. It’s very relaxing for her and she certainly deserves the break after working from sunrise to sunset doing various chores inside and outside our home.
I’ll close with a shot of the crew swimming into the night. The underwater LED lights add a lot of atmosphere to the whole swimming pool experience and were an excellent investment. As time goes in, we will add another features to the pool. My spouse is busy planting additional flowers and shrubbery around the swimming pool. We’re looking forward to many years of enjoyment in this final major project at our new home in the Philippines.