We received good news since my spouse was admitted to our local healthcare facility in the Philippines. She was on the road to recovery and was discharged from the Guimaras Provincial Hospital this past Friday after a battle with dengue fever and pneumonia.
Dr. Catalino Gallego Nava Provincial Hospital
Now for you Guimarasnons out there, you probably already know the official name of this facility has been changed to the following: Dr. Catalino Gallego Nava Provincial Hospital.
Dr. Nava was elected governor of Guimaras in 1988 when it was still a sub-province of nearby Iloilo. One of the late Nava’s sons, Dr. Rahman Nava, became a Governor and later a Congressman. His brother, Dr. Felipe Nava, also served as Governor.
But I just refer to the establishment as the Guimaras Provincial Hospital because it is easier for me to do so.
White Blood Platelet Count Now Normal
During my wife’s stay this past Thursday, her white blood platelet count, alarmingly low on Wednesday night when she was admitted to the health care facility, had vastly improved. I was prepared to see if we could get my spouse discharged the next day, Friday. Neither of us wanted to spend another night at the hospital, crammed in with two other patients and their relatives and exposed to open windows with no screens which would allow mosquitoes to enter without going through security.
After all, my asawa did have dengue, a flu-like viral disease, spread by the bite of an Aedes infected mosquito.
While I commend the staff at the Guimaras Provincial Hospital, for their diligence and care of my wife, the facilities, despite an ongoing remodeling project, still leaves much to be desired. The sooner we could get out, I reasoned, and return home, the better.
Asking the Doctor to Let My People Go
Around 8:30 am, Friday morning, a doctor entered our room, the Infectious Female Ward. This was a different physician who had advised us that my wife could be discharged if her white blood platelet count improved.
My poor asawa had already endured more pricks (to her fingers for blood tests) than a meeting of Congress. I was hopeful the doc would let us go.
The physician agreed that my wife’s prognosis had improved but she said it was standard hospital policy to keep someone in the hospital for dengue at least 48 hours. We were short about a half-day of that requirement but I asked that my wife be discharged anyway.
The doctor agreed but warned that we should bring my spouse back immediately if her condition worsened again. I assured the care giver that I would strictly monitor my wife’s condition.
The Discharge Paperwork Process
A few hours later one of the nursing staff brought in the necessary discharge papers. Now all I needed to do was collect the necessary signatures from the various departments: pharmacy, laboratory, central supply, etc., to make sure all charges had been paid up to date.
After I collected the necessary signature from pharmacy, one of the hospital’s nurses, a relative of my spouse, accompanied me to obtain the other signatures needed.
My last stop, or so I thought, would be the Cashier’s Office, to settle our final bill.
The ladies at the Cashier’s Office directed me to the next window, the Billing Section. I stepped over to my left two paces.
The two young Filipinas behind the window asked me if I had my “MDR.”
“MDR?” I asked. “What’s that?
They held up a piece of paper which read: “Member Data Record.”
“Where do I get that from, please?” I inquired.
“The PhilHealth Office, sir.” came the reply from one of the ladies.
“And where is that, please?” I asked.
“In back of the gymnasium, sir,” was my answer.
OK, I knew where the gymnasium was. It was located nearby behind the capital building. I trotted over to the office.
(PhilHealth is a national health insurance program available to Filipinos and their spouses.)
The PhilHealth Adventure
I entered the office and handed the PhilHealth employee my wife’s PhilHealth card and cooled down for a minute in the air con. None of the hospital, save for a few offices, had air con.
In less than two minutes, I had our MDR, Member Data Record. Now I was instructed to take the MDR to the PhilHealth Records Section located next to the canteen. I now needed a CFI.

I almost panicked when I saw a crowd of around 100 or so people hovering around the Records Section. I poked my head inside what I thought was the correct building but it turned out I was inside the Outpatient Waiting Area which had been moved since I had visited the hospital two years ago, suffering from a kidney stone attack.
Fortunately, the PhilHealth window was located just outside the building with no one in line.
I approached the two ladies working the window and handed them my MDR and informed them I was trying to get my wife discharged from the hospital and needed a “CFI.”
“CF1, sir, a claim form,” Employee #1 informed me.
Employee #2 checked out my MDR and asked me if I had my receipt.
“Receipt for what?” I inquired. “Receipt for the medications we paid for?”
“No, sir, your receipt for your PhilHealth payments for July, August and September.” was the reply.
“But we paid for a two-year membership back at the PhilHealth Office in Iloilo. Do you want me to go back home and get that receipt?” I asked.
Again, the same request: “Sir, I need your receipt for your PhilHealth payments for July, August and September.”
Not to be outdone, I repeated myself: “Again, we paid for a two-year membership back at the PhilHealth Office in Iloilo. Can’t you check that out on your computer?”
“We do not have internet, sir,” came the reply from Employee #1.
“Really?” I asked incredulously and in my best sarcastic tone. “This is 2015 and you’re a business operating WITHOUT the internet?”
Employee #1 and Employee #2 both stopped and looked at each other.
“We have it sometimes, sir,” replied Employee #1, “let me check.”
“Who do you have for your internet provider?” I asked. “Smart or Globe?”
Both ladies smiled.
“For awhile, sir,” said Employee #2. Which, when translated, can mean up to several hours or days in the Philippines.
I looked at a blank CF1, Claim Form, given to me and began going over the questions in my mind. Before I could finish perusing the document, I thought to ask: “If my wife didn’t have valid PhilHealth coverage, why did I receive a Members Document Record from them?”
“It’s OK, sir,” answered Employee #2, “we looked up your records on the internet.”
I was handed a document from Employee #2 who informed me that with this paper I would not even need to complete the claim form. More icing on the cake.
I was then informed to have my wife sign the form and then return it to the billing section to have it coded. I thanked the ladies and took off.
The Journey Nears an End
I popped back into my wife’s hospital room to get her signature and explained what had just occurred at PhilHealth. I told her I would be back…hopefully, soon.
I returned the PhilHealth form to the billing section. The document was soon given the proper code. I was instructed to return the form back to the PhilHealth window and come back to billing.
I went back to the PhilHealth window and was promptly given the proper code. I went back to the billing department and they signed off on my wife’s discharge paper and declared we owed absolutely NOTHING.
- No charge for the room
- No charge for the attending physicians
- No charge for the emergency room visit
- No charge for housekeeping, or electricity for the fan, or any other miscellaneous fees
We only were charged for some prescriptions (PhilHealth covered some of them) and a few supplies. I’ll post those charges in a future post but they probably amounted to less than 100 US Dollars, off the top of my head.
I returned the final discharge paperwork back to our Nurse’s Station as instructed by the ladies at the billing section.
A nurse came in a few minutes later and questioned my asawa about the linen on her bed. We had to clear off our bed and give the bed sheet to the nurse to complete the discharge process. Someone had signed for our bed sheet when my spouse was admitted. It wasn’t my wife or myself.
An administrator then came in and gave my wife some prescriptions and an instruction form for medications she would still need. The staff person also gave my spouse a lab request for three blood tests she would need to have on Monday to make absolutely sure her dengue had been eliminated.
I packed our bag and my wife was escorted via wheelchair to the front entrance of the hospital. We walked over to our Ford Ranger XLT and headed home. It would be great to sleep in our own bed again.
But don’t be offended, anyone. We hope we don’t see you again for a long, long time.
I’m glad to hear your better half is on the mend. The lack of working internet/computers here is amazing.
So they did confirm your status by using the computer/internet. Dave your that 1 in a million customer that would mention technology. “So what year is this again?” Way to go Big Dawg! The real point of my comment was to let you know I’m glad to hear your wife is on the road to recovery. Dengue fever really kicks your butt and I know that from experience. Rock on Guimaras!!!
Great News, glad to hear that all is well!
Hi Dave, glad melinda is well again you can settle down for a nice Christmas now,
I think you will find Phil health is available to foreigners as well even if they are not
Married to a Filipina, I read it somewhere, take care Derek in pasig.
So glad Melinda is back home. Dealing with Government agencies like Philhealth and SS can get a bit stressful. Looks like we have to make another trip to SS Office in Angeles City since the different branches don’t work together. We have to go up there on Christmas Day anyways to visit some of her family.
Dave, it’s good to hear that Melinda has been released from the hospital so quickly. Wishing her a speedy complete recovery.
Hi Dave, glad to know that Melinda is better now. Thanks also for the detailed steps with the PhilHealth. It is always a nightmare when you deal with the government offices. My husband depends on me with all our transactions. I salute you for what you did. Ofelia, Fred’s wife.
Glad your wife is on the quick road to being back to normal. Your lucky they didnt make you come back with the Philhealth receipts anyway, they are real sticklers there when it comes to supplying receipts, regardless of them finding it on the internet first.
Yes, I agree its 2015, and we live less than 50 miles from Washington DC, and we dont have any high-speed internet available here, except for wifi at $10.00 per GB, and thats why our house sale was cancelled back in Oct. because of that. The people that wanted to buy it ,wanted to operate a business from large building I have close to the house, and Verizon broadband is less than 1 mile from where we live, and the buyer offered to pay them $75,000.00 to install it I was told by my realtor, and Verizon wouldnt even talk to him about it.He said he needed between 320-360gb per month, so at a cost of $3,200.00 – 3,600.00 they walked away from the sale.
In this day and time internet is almost essential for daily living in some ways it seems, we cannot stream anything here, or watch any kind of movies more than a couple minutes in length because it costs too much when you figure a average 2 hour movie in HD will take apx. 4-7gb of data or $40-70 dollars to watch it. So in some ways things are better there when it comes to internet, as long as you can get it there. Our speeds here are great, but are very expensive to use it if you cant get a landline connection.
There were other problems, but we got all them worked out, he had the home inspection done and was ready to ratify the deal, it was just then I heard anything about his internet requirements and how much data he needed, he had to put up $50,000.00 dollars once the house inspection was finalized that day, because of all the plans I had to make and expenses I would loose money on if he backed out at a later date, it would be non-refundable to him. I had tried myself to get a T1 line installed for myself a couple years ago, but since all cabling in this area is copper only, it was pretty much decided it could not be done for under 6 figures, so I dropped the idea, I didnt need it that bad.
Yes, I was getting quite excited and nervous all at the same time,so much to do, and still had a lot of things in shop especially, to get sold, since I wasent getting very many looking at the house, I wasent in a hurry to sell certain things just yet,so it was a definate wake-up call to get me to start getting rid of EVERYTHING, so now most everything I planned to sell is sold, just no idea how long it will take to sell the house, is hard to plan this when you have so many unknowns , and once it sells so much has to be pretty fast, thats why I contacted you in a panic about the SRRV, but things are slowly happening again with the problem with her annulment papers getting taken care for the second time, (that in itself is a very long story, but you know how things work there so maybe you can imagine all the ways they could screw it up, even though she had legitimate annulment papers since 2007) so I hope to be able to come there on a legitimate 13a.which I would much prefer to do, but SRRV will work if I have to go that route and then change it to a 13a once there if nothing else.
Good to hear Dave, you must be relieved..
great to hear that your wife is back home and well on her way to full recovery. I’m sure she is anxious to get back on her feet and back to her gardening.
Melinda might have gotten dengue from the mosquitoes buzzing around her plants, garden and yard. She could use her love of gardening to repel the mosquitoes by growing trees, flowers and plants that mosquitoes don’t like. Neem trees and eucalyptus trees help to keep the surrounding area free of mosquitoes. There are also many plants she can grow to keep mosquitoes away from the house, garden and yard:
The Neem and Eucalyptus trees supposedly cover the widest areas, good to plant a few around the yard. Unfortunately they also take a long time to grow, similar to the citronella tree.
Awesome news Dave
Well I am really happy to hear Melinda is well on her way to a full recovery.
As for PhilHealth, you might have to jump through some ridiculous hoops but it is WELL worth it and foreigners NOT married to filipinos can get PhilHealth. I am not sure if it is after the second or third VISA extension, but you can get it…and it is one of the BEST bargains in the world.
First of all, can you imagine how much the bill would have been if you lived in the United States. I don’t even want to think about it. About four years ago I was in intensive care for 16 hours and the bill came to over $11,000 and that did not include the doctors fees or test!
On top of the much lower cost in the Philippines, PhilHealth probably paid 50% or more of the cost. So health cost can be really low in the Philippines. But the important issue is good care and it sounds as though you got really good care, although the rooms were not what you really wanted.
One more thing about PhilHealth, it cost 2400 pesos a year!!! Imagine that, and that covers everyone in your family! One of the absolute best deals you can find anywhere.
Tell Melinda I am so happy she is well again. Oh, I do need to say this for anyone that travels to the Philippines and anyone that lives in the Philippines..if you get a fever and it is NOT gone within 24 hours, get to the doctor. Dengue is damn serious, espeically in elderly and young kids. I have a good friend that lost a child last year to Dengue Fever. The boy had a fever, didn’t seem bad…but it was. He lost his life within 72 hours.
There’s a new vaccine for all 4 types of dengue fever. It has just been approved in Mexico and should be available in Asia in the coming weeks:
Looks like the new anti-dengue vaccine will be available in the Philippines in a few days:
Hi Dave, the dengue vaccine is now supposed to be available in the Philippines next week, although it is only recommended for people who are 9 to 45 years old.