RT-PCR test results no longer a requirement for Boracay-bound fully-vaccinated tourists
My lovely asawa and I, along with two of our nieces, are bouncing back to Boracay this June. Thus, a recent news article grabbed my eye balls. RT-PCR test results no longer a requirement for Boracay-bound fully-vaccinated tourists. Consequently, while checking out the article, I stumbled upon a guide for tourists going to Boracay Island. In addition, the guide comes from the official website of Aklan Province. Boracay is located in Aklan Province.
This Western Visayas province can be found in the northwest portion of Panay Island, bordering Antique to the southwest and Capiz to the east. It’s about a five to six hour drive from Iloilo City.

I was glad to see that the RT-PCR test results were no longer a requirement (at this time) for travel to Boracay. However, in the Philippines, things can change as fast as barangay tsismis.
Since the national government has exempted fully-vaccinated tourists from mandatory quarantine starting February 10, tourist arrivals will substantially increase. However, even fully vaccinated travelers arriving in the Philippines will have to submit a RT-PCR test 48 hours prior to arrival in the Philippines.
Aklan imposed the RT-PCR requirement on January 5, 2022 after having dropped it earlier. A surge in cases brought about the more infectious Omicron variant was the basis for the test’s return.
On February 1, Malay, which includes Boracay, shortened the curfew from 1 am to 4 am.
However, all tourists and travelers need to fill out a contact tracing form and get a QR Code. Details on that requirement are as follows:
As a result of checking out the Boracay tourist guide, I made a discovery. A QR Code is now needed effective February 1, 2022 for Boracay tourists. Again, this information comes directly from Aklan’s Official Guide for Tourists Going to Boracay.
The official name of this new requirement is the AkQuiRe OHDC QR Code Issuance for Tourists Going to Boracay Island.

Furthermore, before completing the OHDC Form application for adults and children including infants (if applicable), please make sure you have digital copies of the following documentary requirements in your device:
- Proof of Identification with Philippine Residency/ Passport for Foreigners/OFWs/Ofs
- Proof of Vaccination Status
For Fully-Vaccinated Individuals
- VaxCertPH COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate with full vaccination status from https://vaxcert.doh.gov.ph/; or,
- Locally-issued Vaccination Card/ID with full vaccination status and with verifiable QR Code or, with contact details of the vaccination center; or,
- World Health Organization International Certificates of Vaccination and Prophylaxis / Vaccination Card or Vaccination Certificate issued Abroad.

For Unvaccinated or Partially Vaccinated Individuals or in absence of the above-mentioned documents:

- RT-PCR Negative Result Certificate (saliva, nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal) with date of extraction within 72 hours to date of travel (https://hfsrb.doh.gov.ph/list-of-licensed-covid-19-testing-facilities/)
For below 12 years old
Please accomplish the Certificate of Undertaking Travelling with Minors template at https://aklan.gov.ph.
A copy of confirmed booking slip/form from a DOT-Accredited Boracay Island accommodation establishment, (Accredited & HSG compliant AEs in Boracay Island)
For Aklanon Tourists residing in Aklan: In absence of booking, please use the Certificate of Undertaking for Accommodation template in https://aklan.gov.ph under Tourism.
Roundtrip flight/travel details.
For Tourists coming from Western Visayas and Aklanon Tourists residing in Aklan:
If using private vehicles, please upload a photo of car plate.
If taking public transportation, use the Certificate of Undertaking for Travel Details template in https://aklan.gov.ph under Tourism.

1. Access https://www.touristboracay.com/ and choose Boracay in the Where To page.
2. Fill out required fields. Make sure to choose the correct visitor type (Foreign, Domestic, OFW/OF or Aklanon Tourists residing in Aklan.)
3. Click corresponding button “Attach Documents” for individual documentary requirements. Wait until all files are uploaded.
If unable to attach or is unsuccessful, please click “clear form” button.
Moreover, if you receive a message saying, “size validation failed”, the attached file exceeded 2MB, you need to the resize file.
If you receive a message saying, “extension validation failed”, convert your digital copy to jpg, jpeg, png or pdf with maximum size of 2MB per file.
Please ensure that you have uploaded complete, correct, clear and authentic documents
4. Enter Captcha, then click submit. If unable to submit, please ensure that all required fields are filled up and attachments are successfully uploaded.
5. A confirmation page will display your OHDC QR Code and a download button. Click the Preview and Download button to download your OHDC to your device. Please SAVE or PRINT or SCREENSHOT a copy.
Apply for OHDC ONLY ONCE. Please send only valid documents, as falsification is punishable by law.
7. Keep the OHDC QR Code with you at all times. Have a printed or digital copy. The QR Code will be used in the ports of entry/exit (land, air, sea) as well as in accessing services in Boracay Island.

For any issues in your OHDC QR Code, you may do the following:
Send an email to travelinfo@aklan.gov.ph or touristboracay@gmail.com; or
Contact the following:
Travel Info Aklan Assistance Center:
8. Your OHDC QR Code has an expiry of twelve (12) hours from your accommodation checkout time. If you are extending your stay in Boracay Island, please send an email of a new booking slip to touristboracay@gmail.com. Failure to notify the validator may result in your delay in accessing services in Boracay Island and in exiting the ports.
IMPORTANT: If the validators find issues in your attachments, you will be notified through email or SMS or PHONE CALL.
For compliance, please send an email with the attached required documents to touristboracay@gmail.com with the subject – COMPLIANCE-LASTNAME, FIRST NAME-DATE OF TRAVEL